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B.YOU-tee Milestones

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Celebrating milestones is one of the biggest intrinsic motivators that can keep you energized and allows you to get closer to your goals. No matter how big or small the milestone, recognizing them and giving yourself credit for the achievement keeps you moving in the right direction towards your overall goal.

At B.YOU, we love celebrating your class milestones with you to help keep you motivated! Congratulations to these A-Mazing B.YOU-tees for reaching a new goal in their fitness journey. Their strength, perseverance and dedication to staying FIT & healthy despite their busy lives is an inspiration to all of us at B.YOU.  ?

100Circle: Sept ’18 – Jan ’19





Sovilla Ashton Laura Bauman Connie Beck Sarah Mitchell Debbie Reynolds
Kimberly Wearsch Ashton Garrett Helen Vice Sarah Beth Belcher Laura Beth Nichols
Debra Bean Alyssa Raines Alexis Pittenger Megan Sexton


Hannah Alexander Lori Durbin Heather Snider Sara Silva Michelle Lane
Saira Ahmed Claire Dailey Sarah Frey Heather Howe
Abbey Flynn Fiona Campbell Carrie Coyle Shelby Fill


Marcia Pitman Haley Mann Christine Fitzgerald Megan Nevitt Ericka Hartung
Carly Wood Kathy Graham Patty West Melanie West
Ellie Madalon Stacy Baker Jessica Leland Anne Holmes
Dani Reich Ashley Cronen Jamie Hancock Alicia Yarletts
Stephanie Garner Rachel Hardy Ashley Lile Leann Pellisier
Ali Denbow Sarah Ridley Megan Hobbs

Meet Some Pretty A-mazing Chicks…

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Megan Nevitt & Melissa Breunig

We feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to motivate & inspire women to reach new milestones on their fitness journeys through our 100 Circle Recognition and the various challenges we hold throughout the year. This past month, we encouraged you to team up with a workout buddy and take as many collective classes as possible.


Realizing that September is a month of transition, and what many might describe as a month of pure chaos, we view each and every one who participated in our “Bestie Bootcamp” as a winner. Just making that commitment is an accomplishment in itself, so kudos to YOU, no matter whether you were able to take fifteen classes or only five.


A few teams not only met the goal of 40 collective classes but went above & beyond. BIG CONGRATS to these strong women who challenged themselves AND one another throughout the entire month. We hope you feel stronger, healthier and certainly more accomplished than you did when you started. You earned a bag of fun B.YOU surprises sprinkled on top with some serious bragging rights. Stop by the front desk to take a peek!


Bestie Bootcamp Winners

Megan Nevitt & Melissa Breunig – 62 combined classes

Megan Sexton & Casey O’Connell – 53 combined classes



More kudos to these lovely women who reached new milestones in their fitness journey at B.YOU as well as these Inspire-ers who have been committed to bringing you hundreds of intense yet exhilarating classes to keep you coming back for more. Congrats, Ladies!

B.YOU-tee Milestones

100 Circle

250 Circle

500 Circle

750 Circle

1500 Circle

Sovilla Ashton Connie Beck Sarah Mitchell Karen Sierpina Ericka Hartung
Kimberly Wearsch Helen Vice Sarah Beth Belcher
Debra Bean Alexis Pittenger Erica Gaunt
Hannah Alexander Heather Snider Stephanie Metten
Saira Ahmed Sarah Frey
Abbey Flynn Ritu Furlan
Marcia Pitman Kaitlyn Hubert
Carly Wood Amber Allen
Ellie Madalon Andrea Parr
Kaitlin Blessitt Meghan Clark
Michelle Blair
Pamela Poe
Kaitlin Blessitt
Michelle Bair
Pamela Poe

Inspire-er Milestones

500 Classes Taught

1000 Classes Taught

Lyndsay Long Emily Hughes